I’ll Show You My Room If You Show Me Yours

A few things that blew my mind this week

I read a post on Jennie Saia’s blog last night that excited me. The Room Of My Heart, as inspired by her friend, which has inspired others to make their own. You basically envision and design the room of your heart, so you always have a stress-free, safe place to be whenever you need it. Here is mine, and I would LOVE if you created your own and told me about it.


A cozy room with wood floors and an oatmeal color on the walls. It contains a bed with crisp white sheets and a soft, pillowy comforter. It’s dusk so my room is dim. Next to me snuggles a purring kitty. There are two windows, one of which is open to let the cool breeze flow through the room and make the single white curtain panel undulate hypnotically.  Outside a gentle storm approaches, evidenced by the rumbling thunder in the distance, and the dancing leaves of the massive tree just outside. I smell rain….


WHAT is it about a pack of new pens, or the smell of a crisp, clean paper? The office supply aisle is a euphoric catacomb of potential organization. Larger post-its? Yes please. A spiral with pockets? Don’t mind if I do. A  micro binder in my favorite color, complete with tabbed dividers? *GASP* (no, this is in no way connected to my recently-confessed “incident“)


THERE are tiny green leaflets blooming all over my garden. What has been barren for months is now coming to life, alive with possibilities. Just walking through my back yard infuses Spring into my cells, proving anything can come back renewed, and better than before. Even me.


BIG things come in tiny packages. I won a giveaway for Kaliana emotional care products (Thank you, Sandy!), and they came in the mail Wednesday. When I was going through the box and reading the descriptions, (forest bathing is my new favorite term, le sigh)  my 6yo (who struggles with anxiety) heard me say the products claim to “ease worries” and “calm stress”; he was immediately riveted. Let’s just say he’s found his armor. He went on his very first sleepover last night, armed with his stress relief spray because he believes in his heart of hearts it will help him with his worries. Did it work? He’s still over there! He made it the whole night. I’m SO proud. This is a child who won’t even go on play dates. This is HUGE.



MY friends in the blog world who inspire, teach, amaze, and support me. My Sister Wives. You know who you are. You had me at #dickpunch.


ROAD trips!!! I’m leaving this week for my annual trip to Round Top, which is a GINORMOUS antique show in Texas. My IRL buddy, Vanessa, and I are returning for our fifth year (can that be true, V?). We always come back with an SUV-load of goodies, but more than that are the laughs. Those *omg-I’m-going-to-pee-my-pants* laughs, and OH the endless stories that are only funny to us, mostly because they make no effing sense since we’re half-inebriated and/or completely exhausted the entire time. Watch for photos on Instagram. Can’t. Wait.


FOG. It’s magical, and ethereal, and can make a crappy ole field look like an enchanted forest.



WOODS. Because trails and trees.


tree moon


This has been a Ten Things of Thankful post. Join in the gratitude!

Ten Things of Thankful


What does the room of your heart look like? What are you thankful for this week? Do office supplies turn you on? No? Just me?

Your comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy.





  1. So beautiful, and I’ve been LOVING seeing the pictures of your trees come up on Instagram. Glad you’ve had such a gorgeous time in nature.

    I know you’ll have the most incredible time at Round Top. Enjoy ALL OF IT 😀

    I’ll think about the room 🙂

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        1. Wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t asked so nicely. And hey, it turned out to be an incredible piece for me – so freeing; so nice to get those things OUT, even if only ‘on paper’ and have that release and that safe room. Which (I guess) is what it’s all about. Thank you.

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          1. Well, sometimes the Universe (or blogosphere in this case) brings us exactly what we need right when we need it. I just thought the process my be cathartic this weekend. I’m so happy to hear my instinct was right. *HUGS*

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  2. I’m gonna think about my room, too. In spite of my love of the word panties and my tendency to sing in the grocery store aisle, we do have several room qualities in common. Crisp sheets, enormous tree outside, even maybe approaching rain. But the walls would need to be colorful. I love vivid walls.


  3. I am a Post-It note freak…totally OCD on notes. Everyone at work and my friends make fun and it’s deserved in good humor. Speaking of antiques…which I LOVE…I had an old 18th century hall tree that I had delivered after I bought it for a gf off of Ebay to refurbish. Mega expensive. I needed some help from some buddies to unload it (huge and heavy) and when they pulled up outside they said, “Are there going to be Post-It notes stuck all over Phoenix when we get inside?” LOL! Funny shit. Let’s see what else…oh, epic accomplishment for your son’s sleepover! Woo hoo! Re: Sister Wives. Don’t forget your Blogger Brothers *ahem*.

    Bedroom…a poster bed with Kate Beckinsale lying in it wearing lingerie. She can have it any color she likes!

    Good post as always, Beth… 🙂


  4. Oh Beth- I just love those pics and I love your room!!! Gosh, I think we could share that room together….you in? I will probably sleep for hours…nothing like that dim damp antecedent to a storm in the afternoon to put me blissfully into unconsciousness. Oh how I love that fading feeling…so peaceful.

    I might add that you can have the kitty- and I will simply be ‘pet free’ if that’s okay. 😉

    Enjoy your getaway!! And I am SO SO EXCITED your precious little guy made it through the next and THEN SOME!!! HUGE.


    1. Aw, thank you sweet friend. *bigcheeksmooch* and of course you can spend the night in my room. It’ll be a sleepover! We’ll have popcorn, and junior mints, and soda….and, and, *squuueeee* I can’t wait!!!


  5. I still love the smell of crisp new paper and the feel of new pens. I stock up my drawers at work with all the new stuff that comes in. Office supply porn, oh yes.

    Sounds like you have a fun trip coming up. Drink well and enjoy!


  6. Office supplies do get me hot and bothered. I can’t help myself.

    Also; fog, nature and trees? Love it! I could so use a place like that right now. I could use the peace and quiet.


  7. This is so weird, Bethie, because while Mathair and my cousin were stoked for back to school clothes shopping, I was merely biding my time for the office supply aisles. LOL. I am a freak when it comes to office supplies!! Good to know there are others out there like me. 😉 I love your room, especially the oatmeal colored walls, my fave color is cream. The only difference between yours and mine, would be the four post canopy bed with Chantilly lace that drapes over it. *SIGH* Definitely need a creek, ocean, or some kind of water nearby because the sound of it always brings me peace. Other than that, you and I are on the same wavelength. Good luck on your road trip and stay safe. XOXOXOXO


    1. Oh, I love that about you! So cool. *officesupplylovers unite*

      Oddly, my favorite color is green but I didn’t want that on the walls of my room. It needed to be oatmeal. I just obeyed.


  8. Now this is a wonderful post! I just love your room and will have to think of one myself. And trees? Oh yeah! Count me in! I will make sure I get my list of things I”m grateful for done this weekend. And cheering for your son! That is huge!


  9. New crayons. Waxy smelling, sharply pointed, standing at attention, new crayons.

    I would like to take a long walk on a trail through the woods, particularly if there is a mountain involved. Even a small mountain (or big hill) will do.

    I envy you your girl trip.


  10. Oh Beth, office supplies totally turn me on. I need to take a photo of my treasure trove office supply hoard at work. It’s not pretty but it’s positively brimming with all sizes of file folders, dry erase markers, and page protectors. It is like paradise.


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  11. I have to admit, office supplies really don’t do it for me…. I do LOVE the idea of the room of your heart. When I was 13, they sent our swim team for a weekend visualization and mental training workshop. I’m not sure that’s the best age for something like that – but I never forgot it. They didn’t have us do a room – but asked us to image our “ideal place of relaxation” – I’m in the middle of nowhere in lush green forest, by a stream with a waterfall. Not sure if that counts as a room – but I always picture it when stressed and it does help.

    Loved all the photos! Such a nice way to do the post 🙂


    1. Aw, thanks Louise! I want to frame some of the photos. It’s amazing what you can do with an iphone, right??

      yes, that exercise sounds like the same basic thing. Waterfalls……sigh.


  12. Wow! How exciting for both you and your son. I’m happy for you. I’m just happy to have a half day off today and a full one tomorrow that will allow me to go to a pleasure party tonight and to catch up on some blogs/emails/writing. Yay! I’ve needed some relaxation time.


  13. Love so much of this!

    I’m REALLY happy that you read some of Jennie’s blog. And I love your room.

    I lose it over office supplies. Maybe it’s a writer thing? I get so happy when it’s time to do back to school shopping. One for you, two for mama!

    Speaking of which, I’m so happy your little one conquered his fears! That’s amazing!



    1. Maybe it is a writer thing (?). That would make sense. I bet super organized, type A people like the office supply aisle, too.

      Jennie rocks my socks off. She’s amazeballs. #dickpunch


      1. I feel in love with her to where I proposed, almost the day we blog-met.

        We were having this love fest comment thing going on, and then all of a sudden Don (of all Trades) popped in the comment section and wanted to get in on the action. It was one of those laugh til you cry moments!

        And- so happy and excited about SWs!

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        1. haha that’s so funny. Isn’t it amazing how someone’s writing and blog persona can take your breath away, and you all the sudden feel the need to connect beyond the comment section, beyond the blog, cuz you know in your heart this person is supposed to be in your life? Yes. THAT. I love that about blogging. #dickpunch


          1. And now I’m falling in love with a whole group.
            I grew up with 5 brothers.
            I am kinda feeling like I finally have sisters.
            *big heart squeeze*


  14. cool list Beth,,, I hadnt read about the incident until now but wow…. ick…. congrats to your boy… that is some cool stuff right there!!!!!


  15. Yay for your little one! I HATE that worry monster! I know he can beat it (as he has a great role model in his Mom).

    Love your room. You know I’m as non-creative as they come so my room is in the form of a Westin suite, King size bed with ton of pillows overlooking the beach. I’ll sit each evening on my patio overlooking an AmaZing sunset and listening to the surf.

    Love ur photos so much. So true to who you are. & what you love.

    As for our road trip next week – I’m just throwing in the towel & packing Depends!! Is that wrong? You know this laughing til we pee situation is getting out of control & we’re both a year older now. You in? I CAN’T wait to hit the road 🙂

    Love your posts. Keep them coming’


    1. *SQUUUUEEEEE* Vanessa you commented! haha you’re so fun. I’m dying…cannot WAIT ’till Wednesday!!! I’m totally in on the depends. I mean, we’re ready for that, right? We have no pride. And I hate looking for port-a-potties all the time anyway. pfft.

      YAY TO CHEESY! He’s blown us away this weekend!


  16. The room of my heart would be underwater, in a clear, teal blue ocean. It would be about 30 feet deep, next to a colorful reef, where angel and clown fish would dart through the coral and anemones. The room would have expansive windows and a clear roof, so that I could lay in my soft, oversized bed and watch the sunlight and moonlight illuminate the rippling surface of the sea, which looks like liquid, shimmering silver from below. The sound of singing, from far away whales and dolphins, would be my music, and the blue and green luminescence from the phytoplankton and jelly fish would be my nightlight.


    1. Holy shit, Jana, that’s so unique and beautiful! Wow. I love the visual of seeing the moonlight rippling the surface. Are you a scuba diver or something? Why the room under water near coral? You must explain this one. (picturing your room, I’m struck by the silence.)


  17. Bethie, I feel for the little guy, I was a bit of an anxious one myself as a youngun. I left a description of the room of my heart in Jennies comments I think…might hafta go find it…


    1. OH I’ll have to go to Jennie’s and read it! I’m curious. I think the rooms sort of mirror things about us.

      and thanks about my lil one. He’s come a long way, and he really surprised us this weekend. We’re proud. 🙂


  18. Office supplies. NOM NOM NOM. I don’t even have an office and I love them. Sticky notes, especially. Also, I’m kind of a notebook whore. There’s something about blank paper that’s madly enticing. I got a notebook and pen from my boss awhile back as some stupid reward for work well done or what have you… I was inordinately happy about it. I put it in my purse and I’ve carried it around with me… oh paper, how I adore thee.
    Also, dry erase markers. I may or may not be the one writing random inspiring Danielle Laporte quotes all over the whiteboards at work. Partially because I love quotes, and partially because I love dry erase markers. (not in a crack whore way… well… maybe…)
    I LOVED that post from Jennie about the room… I wrote a long and detailed comment on it about how my room would look like Lothlorien from Lord of the Rings the BOOK, except with added Moroccan decor. Perfection.


    1. oooooh I’m enamored with your room! wow. Cool. I’m going back to Jennie’s to read some people’s rooms, I’ll look for yours fer sher.

      notebooks…..sigh. I buy new ones for my purse all the time. The medium sized ones are perfect for lists upon lists upon lists. About halfway through it, I need a new one. AND – I have a huge calendar on my fridge that’s a dry erase board, and I have this set of magnetic dry erase markers, each with their own eraser…..I saw those at Target and gasped. I’m so pathetic. haha!


      1. The fur..it’s too soft. I mean, i wouldn’t dare holding them because they’re too soft so I’m just afraid of squishing them. I hate holding rabbits for the same reason. I don’t know…I just am this way.

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        1. “the fur…it’s too soft” Omg I just laughed out loud for reals! You’re hysterical. I’m sort of freaked out about the delicate nature of bunnies, too, but for some reason cats don’t seem near as fragile to me. I mean, they have 9 lives after all. 🙂


          1. Having said that, I don’t mind holding dogs. Even the one with the soft fur. Please don’t hate me.
            9 lives. That’s pretty damn impressive if you ask me. I’m lucky if I can make it through this one life..let alone 9…


  19. Love your room and what a great idea…I may have to think on that one. I am a total pen-a-holic and hoard them. Post-It-Notes, too. I’m starting to see so many sprouty things in our garden too and it is so exciting, especially for someone like me who kills EVERYTHING!
    I am so glad that you and your son are enjoying the Kaliana products. That makes me really happy 🙂
    Gorgeous pics!!


    1. Your comment about hoarding pens reminded me of Chris Carter’s vlog of all the stuff in her purse….haha! She had like 7 bank pens.

      You should totally do your heart room, Sandy!! I wanna know what yours is like!


  20. I love your room up until you mentioned cats….cats….no. No cats.
    I have an obsession with new notebooks. However I cringe when I use them…because they’re too pretty. I’m a nurse and I used to by fancy pens that the patients would steal. Jerks.
    Oh I wish that I could have won that package. I need me some emotional lovin.


    1. The products are so cool, they base everything on the premise of “forest bathing”, or walking through the forest, inhaling the scents, seeing the greenery, etc. Everything is made with natural oils and flower essences. *sigh*

      You should do the heart room exercise. It’s genuinely helpful at relaxation.


    1. Aw, I’m sorry about that. But one thing I told someone else who was having a rough weekend, the heart room isn’t literally how you feel in your heart right now, but a place that’s your ideal room of relaxation and stress-free environment. A place to mentally go when you need it. *hugs*


  21. Is the room of your heart in a tree house? Can I come over and play? Love your room. A lot!!!

    Yeah for the anti worry spray. That’s HUGE! Ruffle that boy’s head for me as tell him, “well done.” And come play with us soon.

    I realized while reading that I don’t know what your favorite color is. I think I should know this.

    Have fun next week. I can’t wait to hear all about it!!


  22. I love the room in your heart. I’ll have to think about what mine will be like. It will definitely have pens and books and spiral notebooks. Maybe I should just stop there before things start getting ridiculous.


    1. You are like the 3rd person who mentioned having writing supplies in your heart room, and I forgot them completely! I guess all I do in my heart room is snuggle with a kitty and nap. Evidently I’m not productive in there at all.


  23. I wish I lived where those photos are. I need some serious woods-and-fields-and-foggy-meadows. Los Angeles isn’t restful in the slightest…
    In other news, I love your room. I may borrow it for my own room, because it sounds exactly like one I’d choose for myself. 🙂

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    1. Yeah, but think how close you are to Adam Levine! You’re breathing the same air as him….that’s insane.

      You can borrow my room anytime, Natalie. 🙂 trees…..le sigh.


  24. Oh, Beth, so many things here to make me think and feel! First off, saying “oatmeal” instead of “beige” makes a world of difference. Beige sounds dull and bland, but oatmeal sounds nurturing and calming. (It’s all in the spin you put on it, as my advertiser husband would say.) Anyway… your room makes me think of a farm, in the middle of nothing except fields with waving stalks of grain …and that one tall tree. I love the smell of a storm.

    Also, the news about your son is SO GREAT. I used to call my parents around midnight, having tried and failed to survive a sleepover. Once I got through the first one, it was easier. I adore how deeply children believe in talismans. Hell, I still have a few magic charms, myself. 🙂

    Nothing else to say except this post just made me really, really happy. I wish you excellent road tripping!

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    1. haha totally – If you asked me if I like beige I’d answer, hell no, it’s my least favorite color. But something about oatmeal sounds warm and comforting. And in my head the colors are a bit different. I don’t know if I have an oatmeal room IRL, but for some reason my heart room needed to be oatmeal. 🙂

      I’m thrilled this post left you feeling happy. 🙂

      No doubt – I have talismans too. Then again, my son got his anxiety honest. Straight from my DNA to his, poor kid. But, at least I know what to do for him since I haven experience with it.


  25. I’m right there with you. New pens, erasers (I don’t use erasers, but there’s something about a new pack that is so inspiring. It represents new ideas and dreams waiting to be told I think. Or, erasing old ones and creating new ones. ;0) It appeals to us writers. Some of us are professionals, and others are simply born writers. We write because it’s as essential as breathing! We HAVE to. And so I understand about the adrenaline while being in the “writing aisle”.

    The “heart room” is awesome. :0) I could practically feel the wind blowing in while reading it. I suppose my room would be filled with lots of pillows (duh!) all over the floor: crimson, blue cobalt, tangerine, lime, yellow ochre, bone white and chalky grey pillows and colours all over the place. Lime green Granny Smith apples in lime green bowls sit in the window, which is schematically coloured a soft yellow with grey with periwinkle decorations as borders: like Henna. Books line the walls- lots and lots of books- and Iranian/Middle Eastern/ (maybe Turkish?) music is playing lightly. A large beautiful Persian rug is on the floor and shiny wood is underneath. Rather than a bed in the room, I would rather have a large cushion that’s the size of a small mattress, but so fluffy: everything i s down on the floor in this room, basically. No need to get up. If you want something, simply roll around to get it. Haaa..

    (Karma Sutra may be involved somewhere, and possibly copious amount of wine.)

    Yep. That about does it!


    1. Oh your room is SO colorful! Color is emotions speak to me, so I feel like your room has a lot of emotion, which is beautiful. and who wouldn’t love being able to roll for whatever you need? GENIUS. haha! (karma sutra and wine….why didn’t I think of that?) (Oh and I love where you use the simile of Henna. Perfection)


  26. I haven’t done the heart room post yet, but I’ve thought about it since I first saw Jennie’s. I definitely love where you mention dusk, the smell of rain and thunder in the distance. I would love those in my room.

    And I LURVE office supplies. Are there people who don’t? ;-!


    1. that’s a good question! I wonder if there are people that walk that aisle and are like, meh. I know my brother’s head explodes (in a good way) for office supplies, and he’s not a writer, but there has to be non-writers that don’t freak out for a new notepad.

      Yesterday there was a storm rolling by (never got here but it was close) and the thunder was magical. *sigh*


  27. First, crisp white sheets, stationary, fog, road trips, and those pictures: There might be a part of you that lives in me and a part of me that lives in you. And the care you took with the pictures, how those of the woods are all of a distinct individual tone: I see both an aesthete and a perfectionist, and that too, feels like…home. (Also dickpunch, even though I don’t know the reference. God knows we need the irreverence and snickers too.) The room of my heart, by the way, is in my skull, because that’s where I feel all activity.


    1. Yes, I do believe we carry pieces of each other. And thank you for the compliments on the photos. I am particular about the angles and lighting; it’s flattering that you to notice. 🙂


    1. Oh I know, I’ve used it a ton and it’s so refreshing and calming! And yes, he’s been doing really well this past few weeks. He freaked out a little when I went out of town recently, but he rallied and was fine the remainder of my absence.

      Thanks, Alarna!


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