Important Shiz, and I’m waxing gender issues, forgiveness, and friendships

So I bet you thought I was dead, or had been taken by sweaty cowboys for ransom, or maybe ran off with a dirty, tattooed musician….


I’m happy, safe, and well. I’m sure you all were just worried sick.

The good news is I’m writing! Or editing. Or both, rather. Working on that novel like a MOFO. I needs to get ‘er done, you know what I’m saying? And now I have to, because I’m trying to enter a YA manuscript contenst by Oct. 1st. *nervous laughter*

I can do this, right??? RIGHT?

I’ve also done a little writing over on the Sisterwives blog. I’ve been introspective this week, specifically about the complexities of womanhood (which you can read here), the relationships between women, and the importance of forgiveness.

I also read a book. A GREAT one. You need to read it too. It validated everything I’ve ever felt after a friendship ended: the soul-sucking hurricane of loss, self-doubt, and confusion.


I not only told my own breakup story HERE, but also talked more about the book, which I HIGHLY recommend. It’s brutiful, and brave, and heartfelt. This collection of essays was masterfully woven together by the genius women behind The Herstories Project.

To get your copy of this book go HERE

That is all. Now go buy the book and read the linked posts so I can get back to my manuscript.



  1. You KNOW I missed you! Seriously, just TODAY I was going to send you a pic of my compost pile with a boquet of flowers on top. Oh, the crazy universe answered my call 😉
    Best wishes on your writing endeavors. I’ll be back to read the links. Honestly, I was worried that my guest post spots jinxed some of my best blogger buddies. Now that I know you’re safe, I gotta hunt down Nadia and Deanna. Did you send tattooed musicians their way?!?


    1. MICHELLE! I swear I thought of you too! My compost looks gooooorgeous. Very chocolate cake mix-y. Compost and Michelle will always be synonymous to me. hahahah that sounded terrible but you know what I mean. I hope.

      Deanna moved, and now has sketchy internet coverage at best. We miss her too, but I do believe she’s well.

      If any tattooed musicians show up….no one will ever see them again! They are MINE. muwhahahaha

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hahahaha THAT’S what you remember from this post? I love it. You’re hilarious. And I don’t know if I want to be rescued from sweaty cowboys, unless it’s to go to a dirty, tattooed magician. 🙂


  2. Way to go on the writing! You’ll have it done I’m sure.

    Glad you checked back in! Was wondering where you were.

    Hmm tattoo’d musicians… Oh let’s be honest here, they don’t have to be musicians 😉


    1. hahaha you’re right, Sharn, they don’t have to be able to sing or play an instrument (well, maybe one *wink*) or anything……just the tats. mmmmmmm
      Btw, love your new avatar!


  3. Hey Beth! It’s lovely to hear something from you after so long.Of course, we all understand that you need to finish your novel but we all miss hearing from you 🙂

    I read the article you posted on SisterWives. Brilliant!


  4. BETH!. I was totally worried about you, but it’s hard to tell, since I took about a month and a half off from writing (AND reading…*bows head in shame*) blog posts. I MISSED YOU LIKE THIS MUCH (well…you can make up any length you want, but it’s pretty much a lot).

    A book is omg awesome news! You go, girl. How’d the deadline go? Are you famous yet?

    I would have totally run off with you and the tattooed cowboys or whatever, but I’ve been bus-ay–sending a kid to college, laying in the hammock, knitting, studying French. Because you never know when you might run into a lost French person in Idaho, right? Important shiz indeed.


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