I’m Aggressively Competitive. But Also Covered In Glitter. So There’s That.


Dyanne is tweeting shit already about winning this thing, so now I have to “do stuff” and “make an effort”. GAH. If YOU want your chance to actually WIN something, an actual concrete, tangible gift sent from English England by Lizzi herself, press THIS and enter the contest.

But SUCKIT cuz I’m winning that shiny package!

I knew ALL the answers! maybe.

I never get computer time on the weekends, but everyone is out of the house for like ten minutes so I got lucky! I’ve got to do this quick – like quickie style!

I’m thankful for:

* This week was my Birfday and I’m grateful for my family who goes so far out of their way to make me feel like the most special person in the world. I got coffee in bed, flowers, cake, dinner, hugs, cards, phonecalls, texts, e-cards, emails, and thoughtful gifts. I didn’t even announce it was my birthday in the blogosphere except in one location for a specific reason, but word got out and then I received a ton of SWEET WONDERFUL birthday wishes from my bloggy family too, which absolutely melted my heart and put a cherry on my sundae. I even got this handmade card from Lizzi on Facebook! I couldn’t stop smiling.

lizzis card

* ICE ICE BABY! No, not the rap song. Although I hear Vanilla Ice can re-do a house like a mofo. Real ice! We have cold weather and the kids got a snow day! I know this is usually a terrible thing with the roads being dangerous, travel plans being ruined, power outages and the like. And those things are AWFUL, but I’m talking about the sledding my kids have been doing for two days. They are so damn HAPPY and CUTE all bundled up with rosy cheeks and smiley faces. We are blessed to be in a warm, safe home. I’m so very thankful for that.

*GLITTER! And the English bloggy friends that come with it. I got a beautiful, sparkly card in the mail yesterday, but didn’t see it till this morning. As soon as I eyed some glitter my gut yelled, “Get that over the sink – it’s from LIZZI!!!” Thank goodness I listened as it exploded with bits of confetti stars and glittery goodness! A handmade Lizzi card filled with funny Christmas wishes (that only she and I could understand, of course!) for me and my family.   She.Won. Mail. Forever.

*Keurig coffee makers. Because they also make hot chocolate cups, and this is infinitely easier to make for the increasing number of children that have come in/out of my house since the ice storm hit. I happen to be “that” house on our block. You know, the one where ALL the kids end up, which I adore, but I also need to be ready with snacks and drinks when they come in thirsty and hungry! It takes forever to heat up four + hot chocolates (with marshmallows of course) in the microwave! Thank you Keurig for making my life so much easier!

*Birthday money. Cuz momma needed new running shoes. Cuz life is full of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances, which I’m also thankful for (hey, this one counts as two!) And maybe I will need those runnin’ shoes soon. *Chants: I will get outta this funk, I will get outta this funk*



*Wine (shut up. I’m really thankful for wine)

*Movies and Books. Because I love to escape. I love stories. Did I ever tell you all that I thought of that as a name for a kid – “Story”? I remember telling my husband I thought it would be the coolest name, maybe for a girl. I was afraid it was too feminine to be a boy’s name. THEN, Jenna Elfman (Dharma of Dharma and Greg) named her son Story like 2 years later! I know! I’m so money and I don’t even know it!

That’s it peeps! If you wanna be part of THE MOST supportive and fun blog community, RUN to link up with Ten Thing of Thankful!! RIGHT HERE. You will never, ever regret it!

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. First of all had we known it was your birthday we would have absolutely sent our happy wishes your way, our friend! So here’s a big overflowing plate full of Belated Happy 29th Birthday wishes and hugs to you, Beth!! Lots of kids sledding here with the storm we just had and it is fun to hear the squeals and delight of the youngsters. Watch out for the car!! And we would totally stop by for a cup of hot chocolate which sounds delightful! It’s an inside day so the beer will be opened sooner than usual 🙂


    1. Aw, thanks Mike and Phoenix! Sorry about that – I wasn’t trying to keep it secret necessarily, but it’s not on my FB profile and just didn’t feel the need to shout if from the rooftops, ya know? I’m always happy about my Bday, though! Thanks so much for the sweet bday wishes!

      Yes, I can’t believe the number of kids outside all weekend here…and outside for hours and hours! I guess I can sort of remember being that young and unaffected by the heat/cold temps. So cute. My 6yo was outside for 5 hours yesterday! He came in 2x for hot chocolate, but then went right back out. CAhRAZY.


  2. YAY! I glitterbombed you! 😀

    You sneaksy thing, trying to keep your birthday a secret! Just as well enough of us manage to follow you around the internet to get the word out and congratulate you properly on another year of life well-lived (or should that be well-drunk? You really do like that wine…)

    Awesome list, and glad you had the time and space to write it. On a computer. Properly 🙂

    P.S. You’d really better have the ‘oomph’ to back up your challenge to Dyanne – aggressively competitive doesn’t even BEGIN to describe it! (also, did YOU know she’d do almost anything for a dare?)


    1. Yes you did glitterbomb me properly! WOW! Jim came in and said, “what the hell happened in the sink?” I simply replied, “Lizzi.” He just nodded, cuz that answer explains all oddities. He loved the card! It’s beautifying our card tree right now. 🙂

      I have no oomph to back up my challenge, you know this. I’m all bark. I love playing with Dyanne, that’s all. *dances*


      1. LOL That’s so hilarious that he just nodded and accepted it! I love that my reputation has spread so well…

        Glad he liked it. Reckon it just about hit the nail on the head for your usual manner of being 😉

        Aaaaaaaand you better get some BITE ready, lady, cos she just bit back atcha on her blog! It’s ONNN!!

        (Who doesn’t?)


      2. SO YOU GOT GLITTER BOMBED TOO!!!! I should have known!!! I wasn’t as lucky with mine… hit the nice FRESHLY CLEANED floors and I still have some in my hair and eyes…


        The best glitter party that keeps on giving EVER!!!!

        LOVE your list! Sorry I am late to this partay…



        Malibu… (Don’t judge. I like my Malibu better than your wine.)

        (And hot choc keurigs too…Lizzi? Try them next time you ask me in after you beat the crap out of me- they are easier to make.. to go with the peanut butter crackers.)


        1. I’ll take late-comers to my party any day! Malibu, eh? What do you drink it with?

          Glitter on your FLOOR? Oh my. And forever in your hair….oh yes, Lizzi got you good! I saw glitter on the outside of the envelope and something said, “get this to the sink!” so I got lucky!


  3. Aw, I love ice too! Only I chew on it. The pebble kind. I don’t just grab a hunk of ice from the roof and nom down like a teething puppy. Geez.

    Go get that glitter, Beth. Go glitter the world!


    1. you don’t even know…when I was growing up my favorite thing IN THE WORLD was salted crushed ice. We ate in restaurants a lot because we had every-other-weekend with my dad and he didn’t cook, and most had crushed ice when they served you water (back then, shut up) and I would get a spoon and scoop the ice out of my water glass and then sprinkle salt over it and eat it…..and then repeat this until I ate the ice out of all the water glasses on the table!!! Eventually (in my twenties) this behavior became apparent that it was very very bad for me and I stopped. But I SO miss it! I would own a salt lick if….you know….that wasn’t totally weird.


  4. First off, Happy Birthday Beth and so happy you had the best day! And also, I love my Keurig and we just bought more hot chocolate cup (seriously cannot get enough of them this time of the year either. Sounds truly like the perfect week and now wishing you a wonderful rest of the weekend and next week, too!! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Janine! I know – aren’t they the best!? I’ve had the tea before too and it rocked! What a genius concept. We have even taken it on (local) trips with us before cuz we’re so freakin’ spoiled by it now – lol. My aunt told me they have a smaller portable one. I want one!


  5. I like wine x4. Because I’m also competitive.

    Happy Birthday! Although it already sounds like it’s been wonderful. As for loving snow days – I think you and my 4-year-old should be besties. She experienced her first one two weeks ago and is totally sold on the concept 😉


    1. I am besties with lots of 4 year olds. That age seems to fit my maturity level. I don’t know why. 🙂

      Glad to know another wine lover! I drank enough for both of us last night, but I was celebrating my birfday. My head hurt a little but it’s better now.


    1. haha…uphill both ways! I know it does suck for the working folk, right? My husband got a snow day Friday, though, which almost never happens and he was out of his mind with glee! He had to do a few conference call thingies, but other than that he could sled with the boys and be like a kid himslef, thank goodness cuz I can’t play with them like Dad can, you know? I take pictures then run inside to make hot chocolate…that’s what I’m good for. Dad is good for hours of ice fights and sled pulling.


  6. Heyyyyy! I missed your BIRTHDAY? Well, THAT sucks! Hope it was wunnerful.

    I totally get your glitter explosion. I, too, had one of those at my house. I saw the sneaky stuff stuck to the tape around the envelope and fortunately had the good sense to open it over the sink. Can’t you just see a kitten covered in glitter? Oh, yeah, it’s funny NOW, but in reality? Gahhh!

    Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! I think you got a lot more snow than we did. We were lucky it was so cold, or we wouldn’t have gotten it off, probably.

    When my daughter was about 3, that ho’ on Friends named her baby the same as mine, and there was an EXPLOSION of Emma’s after that. And I actually DO know someone named Story. It’s a girl. And there is no money involved whatsoever in her life, bless her heart.


    1. HA! Geez the only person I seem to have gotten really good is Chrissy Carter (who ended up sleeping in glitter – which is awesome)

      I KNEW the tape would give it away, but all the glitter would’ve fallen out the corners otherwise. Gah! And YES I can totally see the kitten covered in glitter, which was kindof the ENTIRE POINT! :p


    2. Your kitty photos are KILLIN ME. I want a kitty in a bad way, Dyanne. It’s all yer fault. They are trouble, I know, but DANG.

      Yes, you can blame that ho on Friends, BUT, Emma is still a perfect name. Classic and beautiful.

      Story! Cool. So sad about her money situation (?) Boo. But I guess I’m not the only visionary as far as that name goes.

      How is the ice situation in our area now? You guys going to have school tomorrow? I’m wondering if we will. I don’t see how our situation will be improving much, but I know there is huge pressure to have schools open. We went out for a bit yesterday and it was like driving on a skating rink. Unreal.


    1. Thank you! Chant away, sistah! I’m sure you’ll do amazing in your 10K! Good on you! I’ve barely moved in 3 months. No. Really. But the reason why would be a whole post in itself, and I really don’t feel like delving into my jacked up psyche in front of the blogosphere….so I’m trying to fix it myself (and learn from this) and get my ass moving again. Ya know? *sigh* Someday I’ll have it all together.


  7. What?! You kept your birthday a secret?! That’s not fair…not fair at all! So happy birthday, I guess. Not fair.
    I forgot that Keurig made hot chocolate cups or maybe I just don’t think past coffee. But good to know. In case we ever get a winter here in Florida.
    And, yes…movies and books….is there anything better?
    Shut up.


    1. haha! Shut up. And thank you for the sweet Bday wishes. I wasn’t trying to be secretive, I just didn’t announce it all over the place.

      I know I love the hot chocolate and they have tea too! Such genius.

      Can’t wait to hear how you like all the books you bought. You’ll have to shout out the ones you really dig.


  8. Awe, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETHIE!! So sorry for not telling you in time. Clearly our heads have been up our own asses. lol. Sounds like your birthday was filled with lots of luv & deserved downtime. Coarse you have the 3 perfect guys that know how to treat a lady. So from Inion N. Mathair to you, we’re sending big Smoky Mountain hugs & kisses. Have a glass of red on us girl & keep it Levine all the way!! BTW~Did ur almost hubby send some lovin’? hope so!!! 😛


    1. Thank you my friends! I so appreciate Smoky Mountain xoxo’s! And don’t worry, I drank enough wine this weekend for all my bloggy buddies. I celebrate very well.

      of course my almost hubby sent me B-day lovin’! You can’t make a sex tape with a guy and just erase that history….Mr. Levine made sure I felt appreciated, I assure you. 😉


  9. Sweet mama, it was your birthday!? And Lizzi didn’t tell me!?! Oh, I’m not supposed to berate people on your comments?
    Happy Birthday!! I’m glad you had lots of lovely on the day.
    I have always wanted to be “the” house where all the kids gathered. Unfortunately, I forgot that dream when we moved to the country. Hopefully we’ll become that house when the kids are old enough to drive.
    Glad you enjoyed your snow day. We only had a two hour delay, so not much outside playing here.
    Have a lovely day!


    1. Thanks Christine!
      Snow delays are the worst! You have to wake up early anyway, and all the kids (and adults) are so disappointed about having to still go in….the worst! I have a feeling that’s how our districts might have to deal with our situation tomorrow. My kids aren’t going to like it one bit.


  10. Happy Happy Belated Birthday with Ice-ing on it. Imagine tons of ice, ice wine, icing, icicles, Iceland, icebreakers, ice cubes … winging their way to your front door. We are locked in an icy grip here in BC. No snow yet but I’m hope, hope, hoping!
    May you have lots of computer time, bottles of red AND white, and little glitter. Unless you are near the sink. Happy Birthday Bloggy Beth!


  11. Happy birthday to you…and so on. I’m an awesome singer. You should have heard that. I’m only slightly drunk. What’s up with this ice? Are you drunk, too? I’m thankful for wine…and my new shipment…because without it, well, I’d be even more bored. What’s this TT0T thing? I’m checking it out. I might be too late…I’m kind of slow…when I drink.


    1. I did hear it, and oh my, if you go on The Voice you know who to pick as your coach, right? RIGHT? Me thinks it’s time to update my sex tape.

      To answer your question, I was not drunk today but I could’ve been easily talked into it. A little “hair of the dog that bit me” action might’ve helped out. I celebrated last night with some wine. With a lot of wine. But it was worth it. My headache is gone now. All is well.

      Did you get TToT figured out? Ask me any questions about if you want….


      1. No. I totally don’t get it. I am thankful for lots of things. But I’m not sure your friends will care. Also, I don’t feel even slightly qualified to answer any of the questions. And how do I link my blog? I’m more drunk now than I was earlier. The wine. Thank you sweet baby Jesus for the wine. It’s what is getting me through the ice. And the ice. Pfft. F you, Ice. I miss sun. Sun is fun and warm and all around better. Oh…TToT. Right. No. I don’t get it. I’m blognorant. Still. (Btw autocorrect hates the word blognorant. A lot.) I should really go to bed. Like now.


        1. hahaha! Autocorrect may hate it but I love it!
          First off, the TToT community is huge and I only know a handful of them! Everyone works on getting to know each other and there are new people all the time. That’s what it’s for, girly. What you do is go to the blog (another time, when you’re ready) of a host (I’ll usually have a link to one on my sight) and at the bottom of their post they’ll have a “link” link up thing where you sign up. You just put your ten things of thankful (TToT) post url in the space and follow the other directions and wallah, you’re in! I can walk you through it when the time comes. It’s a GREAT way to meet other bloggers and vice versa so definitely consider it sometime. Super cool community…all good fun. No real rules so I like to just be totally silly. I do it whenever I have time.



  12. Listen, it’s all in the smack talk, right? I’m gonna be the one who wins that package. I’m well in touch with my inner intuitiveness, and I know I scored a 10/10! Suck it!
    In other news, yes, wine. I am coming down with a cold, and thought, “Maybe I should make myself a cup of tea?” And then I poured another glass of wine.
    Off to operate my cordless drill.


    1. You talk a BIG game, Missy…but we’ll see whose porch that shiny box shows up on, won’t we??? Mwahahahah!

      Sorry you’re coming down with a cold!!! More wine….yes…more wine! But put down the cordless drill, for the love of Pete!


  13. Happy Happy Birthday…we share birthday weeks. We are so cool.

    I love to escape through movies and books too (more movies than books these days). But, your story about Dharma ‘stealing’ your baby name…reminds me of on Seinfeld when George wanted to name his kid Seven and the pregnant couple friend of theirs decide to name their kid Seven because they liked George’s idea so much. Ok, so maybe it’s not the same thing as what you were saying, but nonetheless, that is what I was reminded of. Eh…ok, it’s the end of the weekend and I’m tired. 🙂

    Happy Birthday!


  14. A late Happy Birthday even though I am extremely jealous of the snowy, icy weather. The only snow we have here in the deep south is the evil glitter snow my daughter sprinkled all over our Christmas village.


  15. What a fun and happy post to read! I love birthdays and am glad to read that yours was celebrated in style! I too remember winters as a child, bundled up to the point of being barely able to move, and staying out for hours, coming in only for a change of mittens and the ocassional potty stop which required 10 minutes of unbundling! We made snow forts, snow houses, snow angels, and of course the mandatory snowball fights. It was great fun, now I’m quite content to sit in my nice warm house! 🙂


    1. Yup! I can be counted on to fuss over gloves and the correct hat; step outside for precisely ten minutes to smile and take photos; make hot chocolate for all kids who show up; fuss more about wet clothes/floor at the end of the day and do lots of laundry so it’s all ready again for the next day. DAD is the fun one who goes outside and sleds with them all day. 🙂

      I remember playing with my brother outside in the snow, or heat, or whatever the weather was…all day…rain or shine…until dark. I don’t remember checking in or anything. We would walk the creek beds and follow them for miles, even through sewer pipes under roads. Good lord, I would have a heart attack if my kids even went to the park without me nowadays. Things have really changed!


  16. I think we are all happy for wine, wine, wine!

    That glitter will keep showing up months from now! This weather is crazy already!

    Hope you had a great birthday!


  17. Aw, Happy Late Birthday, Beth! And my keurig is ALWAYS at the top of things I love (right next to Netflix and *wine *wine *wine). I didn’t know about this whole hot chocolate k-cup thing though… I’m going to have to get on that.


  18. Thanks, Aussa! xoxo

    Yeah Keurig rules. I don’t know that I drink much hot chocolate on my own, but it kicks the microwave kind’s ass! It’s worth it to have on hand when you have a hankerin’, or for your nieces/nephews! They make tea cups, too, if you like tea. Genius.


    1. I know, I do love it. There are a days where the noise or destruction makes me wish they’d go to another house just for a few hours, but most of the time I love all of ’em being here.
      But I sure need that wine by the end of the week….


  19. Awww, happy belated birthday Beth! Sounds like you were properly adored, as befits a blogdiva of your standing. I am feeling thankful we DON’T have the ice and snow, but being THE house on the block for all the kids sounds like some kinda fun! I too, did the *wine*wine*wine* thing on Sunday night, and felt thick as a brick all day Monday. Totally worth it 😀 Today is the first sunny day after 9 (count em, NINE) days of rain, so today I am HAPPY and SHINY!

    Cheers to you! Lynne


    1. Aw thanks so much, Lynne! Yes, I certainly understand feeling thick as a brick. Did that to myself Saturday night and felt quite thick Sunday….but totally worth it! Didn’t last very long – I felt fine by afternoon luckily.

      Glad you’re finally getting sunshine again! We are too. All the ice is melting and the kids are back in school. Have to say I’m happy to see that big yellow thing in the sky again.


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