Something Witchy This Way Comes

Before you lies my very sophisticated intro to author
*Katie Cross*

OMG I love this girl like chocolate, you have no idea! I found her book blog forever ago and immediately knew I’d found my long-lost sister. Fortunately, she was tolerant of my stalker behavior, and we’ve been buds ever since.

Katie was brave  lovely enough to answer a few questions about her novel, Miss Mabel’s School For Girls. Don’t worry, the interview is silly and sweet, like Katie. And short. Not Katie, the interview. Actually I don’t know her height. This is taking a weird turn. Like Katie. She’s weird in the absolute best of ways, which is why I love her. Have I made that clear? LURVE.


miss mable

Me: Do you have any writing quirks? (certain music has to be playing, or you have to clean the room first?)

Katie: Chaos works best. Whirling sharknados. Flying bats. My neighbor with an impressive bouffant trying to peg her traumatized cat on my totally innocent canines. Basic stuff.

Me: Which of your characters is most like you?

Katie: I’d like to say the High Priestess ‘cuz she’s got the powah. But I’m going with the disorganized sixteen year old that hates shoes and loves magic.

Me: What sparked the idea for particular story?

Katie: A SUPER CREEPY forest. As in looking-over-my-shoulder-because-something-is-watching. Yet I continued to go back there. All the time. Makes sense? Totally.

Me: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

Katie: Bianca came from a street sign, which seems pretty classy.

Me: What are you wearing, right now?

Katie: Nothing. Just kidding. Kinda. Maybe. You’ll never know the truth.

Me: If you had to spend a month on a deserted island with one of your characters, which would you choose and why?

Katie: Leda because she’s a book-loving snot. I love snots. Books too. And snarks. I love a good snark. Wait, what was the original question?

Me: How many drafts did the novel go through? Did it change much from where you started in the beginning?

Katie: I’m going to round the number of drafts down to 8,000,000,000,000,000. <— Is that an actual number? 5 candy bars to the person who knows. Beth is buying.

(only if they’re Kit Kats. Because Kit Kats)

Blurb for Miss Mabel’s School For Girls:

Letum Wood is a forest of fog and deadfall, home for the quietly famous Miss Mabel’s school for girls, a place where young witches learn the art of magic.
Sixteen-year-old Bianca Monroe has inherited a deadly curse. Committed to breaking free before it kills her, she enrolls in the respected school to confront the cunning witch who cast the curse: Miss Mabel.
Bianca finds herself faced with dark magic she didn’t expect, and lessons more dangerous than she could have ever imagined. Will Bianca have the courage to save herself from the curse, Or will Miss Mabel’s sinister plan be too powerful?
Miss Mabel’s school for girls is the first novel in The Network Series, and exciting new fantasy collection.  A gripping tale about the will to survive, it will take you to a new place and time, one you’ll never want to leave.

Official Website




If you’d like to get to know Katie better (you NEED to!) here’s her bio and SM links:

Katie Cross grew up in the mountains of Idaho, where she still loves to play when she gets a chance. If she’s not writing, you can find her travelling, working as a pediatric nurse, trail running with her husband and two dogs, or curled up with a book and a cup of chai.

Blog (what I adore about her blog is that she has taken her readers along the entire journey to publish, generously sharing her triumphs, mistakes, advice, and knowledge)




  1. Great interview, Beth! “Looking-over-my-shoulder-because-something-is-watching…” and the want to return. I do totally get that, Katie….and your book interests me for sure! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ME TOO! This story is right up my alley. I just downloaded it Friday and can’t wait to sink my teeth into it! I’m a huge fan of her writing in general, so I KNOW this is gonna be awesome.


  2. I nominated you for a Liebster award on my latest post — didn’t want you to miss it cause I don’t know how to notify you otherwise! 🙂


    1. Aw, thanks so much, Nancy! I LOVE American Horror story! This past season with the witches was so creepy and unsettling – in all the right ways it should be, of course! Yes, this book is right up my alley too. 🙂


    1. Thanks, Phil! I know, I love fantasy and sci-fi too. I’m watching Game of Thrones right now and thinking, why the hell didn’t I read this?? then again, I sort of like not knowing what’s going to happen.

      Love Katie! *weird chicks unite*


  3. She sounds hilarious, and the books sound FANTASTIC! I’m pinning this to my list of books, that someday I will read! My middle child will be in school this Fall and hooray, I’ll have a break from her at least 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YIIIPPEEEE TO FREE TIME FOR READING!!! I swear, the only reading I get done these days is when we’re on a family trip, or when I go for a trip without the kids. I guess when I’m home, blogging, editing, being the mom, wife, home manager, etc. etc. seems to take up all my time. If I have time to read….I have blogs to catch up on, you know? It’s now a luxury if I am taken out of my day-to-day routine and can just R-E-A-D books. *sigh* genuine heaven.


  4. Great title and interesting premise that is bound to create a lot of interest. And what? Idaho? Katie is practically my neighbor 🙂 Though my Boise sophistication can never quite compensate for being raised in a the northern mining town of Wallace. Go Idaho!!!


    1. Yes, I like the title too! It matches perfectly with the book cover she chose.

      Believe it or not, I’ve never stepped foot in Idaho. I feel sort of left out.


  5. What is it with us Idaho folk?? So many bloggers I’ve read, grew up in Idaho. I grew up here, and I still play in the mountains in Idaho. Best. Place. Ever.

    But–don’t move here. It’s actually not that great. Yeah…Ugly country, rude natives…um..nothing to do. Lots of bears. Very little phone reception. Probably better to not even check it out at all.


    1. Maybe we blog because of all the bears outside. My issue isn’t bears. Or vast nothingness. It’s the moose. True story. I HATE THOSE MASSIVE BEASTS.

      But, on the other hand, I miss it so much. SO much. You might think it’s ugly with rude natives, but try moving to the south, which is claustrophobically covered in trees and has no mountains. I’m never oriented here . . .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No. I love it here… just didn’t want any more imports showing up lol

        And yep–we have moose and elk in our back yard very often.


    1. Thanks, Deanna! You ROCK! I love my sister wives! #dickpunch

      I’ve read so many interviews, that I find I skim through generic questions or long winded answers at this point. But shorter, funnier ones that really give me an idea of the writer and characters really hook me. I’m so happy you liked this one.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I started this on the plane – you KNOW how I feel about flying – and was not only totally hooked but was so engrossed I barely noticed the turbulence over the North Sea! That is some talent, right there… 😉


    1. Claire, I printed this out, folded it up in a heart shape, and now I have it on a chain that I’m wearing near my heart with the words Beth+Claire+Katie=BFF’s. True story.

      The fact that you know Beth only makes me happier.

      Liked by 2 people

            1. oh my gosh you guys are so funny! I was out of town reading these from my phone and laughing so hard! hahaha I think I will get that tattoo. Katie, I found Claire through a post you did about her months ago, so it’s all thanks to you that we’re bloggy buds now. 🙂


  7. You’re like a regular Katie Couric, Beth – your interview skills are da bomb. And Katie – you love books and snot (yes!) but hate shoes? How is that possible? You clearly haven’t been wearing the right shoes, then. Or maybe you write barefoot? I’m going to stop rambling now.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sorry for crawling all over your site, Beth (speaking of stalking!). I just couldn’t stop clicking. This is a very intriguing author / book combo, though – and I’m loving that elegant but creepy cover.


    1. Yes, I can see you two (weirdos in the best way) getting along juuuuuust peachy. You should definitely check her out!

      And thank you for your AMAZING pantsless story over at Sandy’s place re: my roofied story. It totally made my day. 🙂


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