The Dog Bite

When Laura A. Lord asked me to guest post for her Women’s Issues series, I said yes without hesitation. But as my date crept up, I struggled with what to write.

Last night I sat in front of a blank computer screen for hours.

I knew exactly what story my soul wanted to tell. But I was fighting it.

Finally at midnight, I undammed the words.

I wrote about a single incident.

One that changed the trajectory of my life.

Read about it here.



  1. Ah well
    Frist on one of two ain’t bad.

    You’re amazing and I’m so proud of you for going with the undamming. You’re flying, and what you told is Important. And tenderly done. Hats off to you xXx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Chris, thank you so much. Sometimes I think it’s no small miracle that I made it to a better, stronger existence. I’m so fortunate, because not everyone does. xoxo


    1. awwww, you’re so sweet. (I didn’t just type “awww”, I actually, literally made that noise). 🙂
      Thank you, Deborah, for reading and your lovely comment.


    1. *hugs right back* Thank you my hilarious pie-and-shit friend whom I adore. (I hope you understood my reference to your blog tagline, and didn’t just think I had a stroke or something).


  2. Oh Beth! *tight hugs* I’m so sad that you had to go through that. You are usually so hilarious that I never thought you would have gone thorough something so miserable!
    Thanks for sharing your story. Very motivating 🙂


    1. All the shit I’ve dealt with in my past is most certainly WHY I’m so hilarious and silly today. LOL. It all gave me perspective and a sense of humor, so how could I possibly regret anything? Unfortunately, this post is not all the ugliness in my past, but it’s the most profound because it was the catalyst for change. It got the ball rollin’, so to speak.

      Thanks for your kind words and support, lovely girl. xoxo


      1. Yeah I get what you mean. I know what happened made you a stronger and cheerful person but I do truly admire your positivity 🙂
        You always have my support and love! 😀


  3. Oh girl. Hug. I had some similar stuff about that age (more than once, actually), but without the jerk, thank God. Never will I ever write about it, though.

    Hats off to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Beth, I had to read this over twice to take in the full horrors of what happened back then. I just kept thinking, what if that were one of my daughters. To be lost to yourself all that time and estranged from those who really cared for you. To go through the nightmare of miscarriage alone. That no one was there for you during the aftermath.
    There is no shame in what happened but so much sadness that it ever did. No mother would wish for her daughter to be alone when all that we want to do is protect. I could cry for the girl you were and the hurts you knew. But I rejoice with you in taking the steps you did and finding the strength and self-belief to move out from under such a one and begin a new path.
    I see where your humour comes from. To have known such hardship and flourished afterwards makes for a real openness to the world and all its many facets. A diamond polished now, your voice shines for others.
    I need to go hug my girls and I’m sending a huge one to you. XOX


  5. What a powerful story! So sorry you had to go through all that, but I’m happy the incident changed your life for the better. Thank you for sharing your story, Beth! You’re a true inspiration! 🙂

    By the way, tomorrow I’m tagging you in a “Why I Write” post. Not sure if you’ve already participated in it, but if not, I’d love to see how you answer the questions! Thanks! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Holy Shit Beth! I assume you are familiar with the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”…. I might just start calling you Arnold, or Hulk (hogan or the green one, you can pick) Thanks for sharing what had to be a very hard memory to relive for people to read. Maybe you have given stregnth to someone in a similar situation. Wow.


    1. Wow, thank you so much, Julie! It was a story I hadn’t thought about in a very long time. Something made me need to write about it that day, and I’m so glad I did! We writers don’t really understand how we work sometimes, but I guess I needed to purge that particular story. (p.s. I sort of like “Shera” hahahaha)


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