Fangirl and proud of it.

I must say the coolest thing about being an author is knowing other authors. First and foremost, I’m a reader and a fan of writers. And when I say I’m a fan, I mean embarrassingly so. Like, I would stand in line to meet an author before I’d go to a concert, and that claim is not even a little bit exaggerated. Authors are my rockstars.


Good, because the three you’re about to meet will knock your socks off, and they each have something in common: non-formulaic, multi-layered DELISH novels that you simply must read. Period.

In no particular order whatsoever:

Meet Nikki Mathis Thompson.

I’ve read all Nikki’s books and they’re freaking awesome. I was lucky enough to be a beta reader for her latest, The Space Between, and I gushed all over it. Hefty in length for a novella, it’s an unpredictable, thought provoking, luxurious ride and I HIGHLY recommend picking it up! The coolest thing? She created a soundtrack for it! WHAT? Yeah. It’s the newest thing, yo. Perfect poolside summer read.


Georgia Bristol’s life hasn’t turned out the way she’d imagined…but it’s a good life.
Despite that fact, she finds herself yearning for something she can’t define. Haunted by the choices of her youth.
Regrets. Everyone has them. What if? Everyone wonders at times.
Lost in town a few heartbeats shy of deserted, Georgia encounters a mysterious woman who gives her a second chance to regain the life she thought she missed out on.
Some say getting lost is the best way to find where you’re going. And sometimes everything must be stripped away before you realize that what you have, is what you wanted all along.
The Space Between is one woman’s unconventional journey to regain what she holds dear, filled with heartbreak, friendship, and love. A thought provoking tale that will have you relating to her struggles and celebrating her triumphs.

Barnes and Noble 


Next up is Andra Watkins.

This woman walked 444 miles. Alone. On a trail that’s not even a trail, but rather a stretch of highway. Need I say more? She’s my new hero. Andra’s novel moved me, but it’s so much more than a detail of her journey. It’s about truth and epiphanies; history and ghosts; love and disgust; grit and determination. I seriously couldn’t put this book down. And? It started a movement: #MakeAMemory which encourages spending quality time with people who are special to you.

Not Without My Father: One Woman's 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez

Can an epic adventure succeed without a hero? Andra Watkins needed a wingman to help her become one of the only living persons to walk the historic 444-mile Natchez Trace as the pioneers did. She planned to walk fifteen miles a day. For thirty-four days. After striking-out with everyone in her life, she was left with her disinterested eighty-year-old father. And his gas. The sleep apnea machine and self-scratching. Sharing a bathroom with a man whose gut obliterated his aim. As Watkins trudged America’s forgotten highway, she lost herself in despair and pain. Nothing happened according to plan, and her tenuous connection to her father started to unravel. Through arguments and laughter, tears and fried chicken, they fought to rebuild their relationship before it was too late. In Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace, Watkins invites readers to join her dysfunctional family adventure in a humorous and heartbreaking memoir that asks if one can really turn ‘I wish I had’ into ‘I’m glad I did.’

Barnes and Noble


Last but certainly not least, Lisa Kramer.

Lisa’s book, P.OW.ER, is as scrumptious and satisfying as eating a truffle. It’s layered, dynamic, and beautifully written. Intricately woven throughout this dystopian novel are messages of empowerment and gender equality, yet it’s done without being obvious or preachy. Although I feel this is a must-read for tweens and teens, it’s also an entertaining, thought provoking read for any age.


What would happen if women and girls joined their unique abilities to change the world? In a time where access to the written word is reserved to men, Andra BetScrivener’s ability to read and write must remain a secret, or she could lose her hands, her eyes or her life. At 17 she discovers that her abilities extend beyond reading: She can write events to life. Despite her efforts to keep her powers hidden, she comes to the attention of both the government and a rebel group, who each desire to use Andra for their own goals. She learns that her words have the power to kill, threatening her father’s life and her own freedom. Andra’s fight empowers others to stop governmental oppression. But in a society ruled by lies, cruelty and inequality, her journey will not be easy or safe.


Barnes and Noble

****Bonus Teaser****


Mandi Castle

You probably know her from her blog Cellulite Looks Better Tan. Or maybe you know her from my Instagram photos because Mandi is a real life friend of mine and we get together often for Mexican food and adult beverages. Okay, mostly adult beverages.


margaritas happened

But the best thing about her? She writes so freaking good. I was privileged to be a beta reader for her soon to be released debut novel, Dear Stephanie. I have three words: Oh. My. Gah.


Mandi takes unpredictable to a whole new level. Watch this space for upcoming cover reveal, author interview, nudie shots (juuuust kidding. probably), and purchase details. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT. I pinky swear.

Okay, I showed you mine, now show me yours! What are some of your favorite recent reads?


  1. Can’t wait to get a hold of Mandi’s novel — and yours, Beth. I just got Lisa’s and I’m half-way through Andra’s memoir. Great minds, I guess….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, MT / LAS. I really want to pimp your book. I think I’m just going to start pimping and then we will reveal to the world our very exciting and fabulous idea that we’ve come up with for your spot on my blog. Maybe we should do it on Release Day???

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oooh! Some great new books! I am loving being able to fill my wall of bookshelves with books written by people I ‘know’!

    Thanks for the new recommendations and I CANNOT wait for Ms. Castle’s debut!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh YAY! Thank you so much for speaking about each of these. When I’m all done blabbering, I’m going to order them all! I love that I have bloggy friends who are also published authors. I buy the book because I know the person and am blown away by the talent. It’s the best of both worlds.
    Another fav…Katie Cross and the Miss Mabel’s Network Series. LOVE!!


  5. Ok, I need to broaden my reading horizons, so — thanks for this list!

    I don’t know any rocks stars (but my uncle dated Blondie, if that counts), or any rock star writers (except same author/uncle has the Great American Novel hidden in his basement somewhere), but I did bring home a rock star English mastiff puppy a month ago. Because my life was on too even a keel, right?


  6. I’ve seen Nikki’s book and Lisa’s reviewed before, but I don’t think I’ve managed to catch a review of Andra’s yet. I can tell this Kindle is going to be well-stocked, when I get it!

    REALLY looking forward A LOT to Mandi’s 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oooh – these all sound good! I will definitely check them out. So excited for Mandi’s novel – there must be something awesome in the water in Texas. So proud to know both of you. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  8. These look great- I’m especially interested in “Power”- sounds like a great read for my 13 year old daughter.
    I’m so glad we met through Dana’s blog- good luck with your book launch! Exciting times!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Julia! I’m excited to see you over here! Yes, P.O.W.ER would be a great read for your daughter!! Could not recommend it more. 🙂

      and thank you!! Yes, supah dupah exciting!!


  9. I think I’m gonna be doing a little damage on my credit card today.
    This post is SO like you, Bethie. Generous and supportive and full of love. xo


  10. This fanboy thinks you’re a ROCKSTAR!!
    You are so awesome spreading the love for other writers here on you blog! Gonna check em out for sure! Thanks Beth 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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