
Well Smack My Ass And Call Me Wanda!

I’ve been awarded not one

– but two –

Liebster Awards!


A few weeks ago, my infinitely talented writer friend, J.C. Wolfe of The Wolfe’s Den, nominated me for this award. I’ve been quietly behind the scenes, working on the questions, compiling a list of nominees, when out of the clear blue sky, the amazingly talented wonder-blogger/runner Lizzi of Considerings was drunk generous enough to bestow me another! I’m genuinely blown away with gratitude and excitement! Thank you, ladies!

If you don’t know, Liebster is a German word meaning “sweetie” or “darling”, and this award is generally passed to younger blogs to let them know they’re doing a great job and encourage them to keep going.

I could accept these awards with two different posts, but that would be a shit ton of  arbitrary Beth facts which would probably bore everyone to death – so in the interest of efficiency, I’ll combine them into one….


Random shizzle about moi:

*One of the jobs my mom had during my youth was interpreting for the deaf for a local theater center for several years. Consequently, I knew sign language by the age of 11, and had two best friends who were completely deaf. I don’t remember all of it now, but could tell you you’re cute, and I’d like a hot dog, please.
*I worked for two Dallas area Improvs for over six years. It was an amazing experience…and I have a lot of stories.
*I’m lactose intolerant. But I eat ice cream anyway. The consequences are worth it. For me. Others might disagree.
*My favorite music genre is the Blues.
*My favorite show right now is The Voice, and not just because my almost-fiancé-sextape-partner is a judge. #teamadam
*I didn’t have a wedding. Never wanted one. We eloped in total secret. Our parents didn’t even know. Got hitched in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It. Was. Perfection.
* The TV has to be on for me to fall asleep. 
*I’ve had a running fish tank in my house since July with exactly zero fish in it because that’s how we get stuff done around here. Wanna put money on how long it stays empty?
*I’m a painter.
*I grind my teeth in my sleep so bad I have to wear a night guard. Yeah. Sexy.
*Growing up, I was a total tom-boy. I climbed trees, explored, made forts, got into mischief, played sports with my brother, cared for imaginary animals, snuck on the roof, read every book I could get my hands on, but never, ever played with dolls.

Okay, question answering time! Since J.C. and Lizzi had several in common, I condensed this list to 8 total. Still with me? Here’s a reward for your patience.

sexy guy photo: sexy guy sexy_chest.jpg

1. Which book do you keep coming back to? Diana Gabaldon’s The Outlander series. It’s never ending, so I can come back to it the rest of my life. But it’s SO DAMN GOOD.

2. What are your favorite genres to read and write in? I love mystery, paranormal, and fantasy. I seek those in particular because I love to have my breath taken away, and I adore being taken to the brink of what I think could be possible, and then yanked right over.

3. Did you ever have a crazy dream job as a kid? From probably the age of 8 or 9 until…hmmm…I dunno, until I was told it was a silly and nobody makes it (combined with my seething insecurity), I wanted to be an actress. I was in drama in high school and did plays. It. Was. Awesome.

4. With which character(s) in all the books you’ve read can you most identify? The one that gets bitten/scratched/taken by a vampire/werewolf/monster and finds she prefers the alternate world and loves the “monster”.

5. What animal would you consider your animal spirit and why? Elephant. Elephant. Elephant. I don’t know why. I’ve known forever. They just are.

6. What was your favorite subject in school? Science. Hands down. My degree is in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Global Climate Change. I loved every single class, even physics. I miss it, but I will say I use science a lot in my writing. It echoes in everything I do.

7. What advice would you like to give the ‘you’ of ten years ago? a) I would tell that decade younger Beth to lower her expectations on herself about 1,000 notches and take a chill pill. b) start therapy now, don’t wait another eight years. c) the second they tell you your infant son has a “sucking problem” and you need to pump all your milk – switch to formula. Don’t put yourself through hell because of pressure to breast feed. F#ck everybody else.

8. What was your last ‘kairos moment’? <<That was a powerful post, first of all. I love Momastery. My last Kairos moment would have to be this past Veterans Day. Jim had off and we took the boys to Top Golf (which is the coolest place ever, btw). The four of us had such a b-l-a-s-t! I mean, you sit on couches, and take turns hitting golf balls while they bring you beer and queso. What’s not to love? Anyway, I adored watching the boys have so much fun. I was totally present, and overwhelmingly happy and grateful at that moment.

And now the sparkly beautiful part! I get to nominate other bloggers! Yipee!

**I don’t know a ton of blogs who are young, have under 200 followers, and have not received this award already, so 5 or so follow that rule, but otherwise it’s a Liebster orgy of blogs I LOVE and just want to put on this list. Nominees, if you want to ignore this award, go right ahead.

1. Mike of Past my curfew. *Go to his blog right away! He’s having a giveaway contest right now through the 21st! Enter for your chance to win one of two $100 Amazon gift cards!  You’ll love his blog, especially his golden retriever, Phoenix.

2. Katie of KCross Writing I love this girl. She’s also working on a novel, so we have a lot in common. She’s awesomesauce.

3. Damnit Lizzi I was totally going to nominate Mike, too! GRRRR. You know what? Screw it. I’m doing it anyway. If I can handle two at once, so can he. Mike of Joe Floggers. You know what I love about Mike? He’s a tiny bit of a genius. He came up with “Ask Joe”, where women can ask him ANY question they’d like to have answered from a man’s perspective and he’ll answer it in his Friday post. Go to his blog and submit a question! I did!

3. Audrey of Falling for me. Brand new blog and she’s rockin’ it with honest stories that leave you wanting more. Check her out!

4. Aussa of Hacker, Ninja, Hooker, Spy. I know she’s been nominated for a lot of awards lately, but I don’t give a rat’s patooka. I love reading her crazy-ass stories and everyone needs to know about her.

5. Jennifer Zeiger. I dig her choose-your-ending adventure stories. I’ve yet to see another blog like hers! So fun.

6. Karen of Baking in a Tornado. Cuz she’s freakin’ brilliant, and supportive, and awesome. I heart her big time.

7. Kelly of What now? Adore her to pieces. She has the best stories ever.

8. Christine of A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall. Oh, Christine. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….

9. Joy of Comfy Town Chronicles. Cuz her blog tagline is “weird kids, day drinking, cussing, binge eating, and other things I won’t go to meetings for.” I mean, are we twins separated at birth or what?

10.Dyanne of I want backsies. She has kittttieeeees. I like kitties. But aside from that, she’s the BOMB, and funny, and a great blogger.

11. Sandy of Mother of Imperfection. I know you might have to blow me off since Lizzi snagged you, too, but I love you so much I had to write your name down!

If you choose to participate, here are your questions, lovelies:

1. Have you ever seen a ghost?

2. If you had to be one, would you be a vampire or a werewolf? Why?

3. If you could play a professional sport, which would it be?

4. Switch lives with an actor/ess for a week. Who do you choose?

5. Do you have any tattoos?

6. Tell me something embarrassing.

7. What’s the craziest thing (in your opinion) you’ve ever done?

8. Have you ever met a celebrity? Who?

last 3 combined: you go to the movies – do you get a) coke, or b) pepsi, a) popcorn, or b) no popcorn, to see a) chic flic b) action/adventure c) horror movie?

Award Liebster